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Davos 2024: What is World Pandemic Treaty? Is it WHOs 'redefined global martial law'?

Davos 2024: WHO Director, General Tedros has called on countries to sign on to his "pandemic treaty" so the world can prepare for a "common enemy," which he refers to as "Disease X."

Edited By: Mayank Kasyap
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Davos 2024: World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has called for international collaboration in signing the health organization's pandemic treaty to collectively prepare for the potential threat of "Disease X." Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Ghebreyesus expressed his hope for countries to reach a pandemic agreement by May, addressing what he referred to as a "common enemy."

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Disease X, a hypothetical virus not yet identified, is deemed by scientists as a potential threat that could be 20 times more deadly than COVID-19. The WHO added it to its list of pathogens for research in 2017, categorizing it as a possible cause of a "serious international epidemic."

Davos 2024: Learning from COVID-19

Ghebreyesus emphasized that while COVID-19 was the first instance of Disease X, proactive preparation for future pandemics is essential. He highlighted the unknown factors that may lead to unforeseen diseases, stressing the importance of having a comprehensive strategy in place. The Director-General reflected on the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as insufficient medical facilities, oxygen shortages, and the inability to manage patient surges.

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Advocating for a shared response through the pandemic treaty, Ghebreyesus outlined the potential benefits. He suggested that the agreement could consolidate global experiences, challenges, and solutions, offering a more coordinated approach to future outbreaks. Stressing the global interest in pandemic preparedness, he called for the avoidance of narrow national interests hindering the process.

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Ghebreyesus revealed that independent panels and experts have been working on collaborative responses. The treaty, expected to be signed by May, may include measures such as an early-warning system, optimized supply chains, and advanced research and development for drug testing. Primary health care, often overlooked, would also be a focus, learning from the struggles faced by wealthy nations during COVID-19.

Davos 2024: Why are global leaders commiting to the treaty?

World leaders previously announced the negotiation and drafting of a treaty in March 2021. The primary goal is to foster a comprehensive approach, involving governments and societies at all levels. The statement by two dozen heads of state highlighted the necessity for international cooperation, enhancing alert systems, data-sharing, research, and the global production and distribution of medical resources.

Davos 2024: Controversies, criticisms

While the Biden administration engaged in negotiations for the global pandemic treaty, critics, particularly from the GOP, voiced concerns about potential impacts on national sovereignty. Representative Tim Burchett expressed worries about the treaty's vagueness and its potential to influence Americans' healthcare decisions during a global pandemic.
