Davos 2024: Qatari PM urges US diplomacy over military action in Yemen conflict

Davos 2024: Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Al Thani highlighted the potential negative consequences of the recent US-led strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Prateek Gautam
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Davos 2024: Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani has issued a cautionary message to the United States regarding recent strikes on Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. Al Thani stressed the preference for diplomatic solutions over military resolutions in the Middle East, warning that military actions could exacerbate tensions and divisions in the region, particularly in the context of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Emphasizing Diplomacy Over Military Resolutions

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Al Thani highlighted the potential negative consequences of the recent US-led strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen. He urged leaders to focus on diplomatic avenues to defuse conflicts, particularly emphasizing the importance of addressing the situation in Gaza. Al Thani believes that resolving the Gaza conflict could have a cascading effect, contributing to the easing of tensions in other parts of the region.

"We always prefer diplomacy over any military resolutions, and we believe that we shouldn't just focus on those small conflicts, we should focus on the main conflict in Gaza, and as soon as it's diffused, I believe that everything else will be diffused," stated the Qatari Prime Minister.

Concerns Over Impact on Freedom of Navigation

Al Thani expressed concerns about the global implications of the strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen, particularly their impact on the freedom of navigation. He warned against the potential escalation of tensions, characterizing the situation as a "recipe of escalation everywhere."

The Red Sea holds strategic importance for Qatar, a major exporter of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The ongoing targeting of commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea by Houthi rebels adds complexity to the regional dynamics.

Response to Recent US and UK Strikes

In response to recent strikes by the US and UK against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, Al Thani acknowledged the severity of the actions. The strikes were prompted by Houthi attacks on the Red Sea, a vital waterway for Qatar's LNG exports.

The Qatari Prime Minister raised concerns about the potential ramifications of the strikes, underlining the delicate balance in the region. The Houthis, backed by Iran, have been targeting commercial vessels in the Red Sea, creating a complex geopolitical landscape.

Gaza Conflict and Houthi Motivations

The Houthis claim that their attacks are in solidarity with the Palestinian people, asserting that they will continue until Israel permits the entry of food and medicine into Gaza. Speculations arise that the strikes on Houthi targets aim to exert economic pressure on Israel's allies, influencing them to encourage a cessation of Israel's military offensive in Gaza.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in significant casualties, with at least 24,100 Palestinians killed and another 60,834 injured, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza.

As tensions persist, Al Thani's call for prioritizing diplomatic solutions underscores the delicate nature of the geopolitical challenges in the Middle East.