BLASPHEMOUS! Youth dances with Quran in nightclub | VIDEO

A video of a guy and his friends recently surfaced on 'x' the social media platform in the video the youth can be seen dancing with the Quran, and what he did next was shocking.

Bhaskar Chakravorty
Last Updated : Monday, 13 May 2024
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Insulating a religion or beliefs is a diffrent thing but in the name of freedom of speech and action, disrespecting religious books is a whole new level of low. A video of a guy and his friends recently surfaced on 'x' the social media platform in the video, the youth can be seen dancing with the Quran, and what he did next was shocking. 


Dissecting the troublesome video

The video starts with a youth in a nightclub in Manchester on the dance floor, when a friend of his can be seen handing him over the holy Quran. Next, the youth was seen dancing with the holy book and, after that, spanking himself with the same. Thereafter, he was seen throwing the Quran on the floor and kicking and stepping on it. As it appears to be a female friend from the hands, she tore pages of the Quran at the end of the video.

Is police action being questioned?

The video was posted by one of their friend Salwan Momika who mentioned in the caption, "Police in Manchester arrested them yesterday on charges of blasphemy and insulting Islam in a nightclub. Is Islam really above the law of freedom of expression in Western countries?" Since the video went viral, native netizens have reacted the opposite way, take a look:

Viral sensation

The video has garnered over 190.6K views on the platform, over 7.6k likes and has been gaining high traction. 
When did disrespecting culture and religious books become cool to the eye of public, Rather than questioning the motive, the people were asking about the laws, grounds, arrests, etc.