Aliens (X)
World News: As 2025 dawns, the New Year's eve is expected, but two of the most famous prophets in the world, Baba Vanga and Nostradamus, are shadowing the parties with their shocking prophecies. Both the prophets, who surprised the world with the accuracy of their prophecies, have seen the not-so-good days that may bring unrest to the world and fill people with fear
Most ominous are prophecies shared both by Baba Vanga and Nostradamus about the future beginning with a huge war that would erupt in Europe. According to predictions, this war would be brutal to a level where the entire continent might become devastated and have political unrest. This portends an evil omen of stormy times, which can only be described by increased pressure and conflicts across borders. The other common disturbing vision shared is the probability of human contact with aliens. This means that there will be a global revelation that will forever change human beings perception of where they stand in the universe.
Baba Vanga was a blind Bulgarian mystic, who, even before it occurred, said events like 9/11 and the Chernobyl disaster were going to take place. As per her visions for 2025, she will witness a disastrous war that would delete most of Europe from earth's face and simultaneously observe Russia ruling over the globe. In addition to this, she had also specified natural calamities: giant earthquakes on the West Coast of the U.S. and volcanic eruptions from extinct volcanoes that would further shake up the Earth.
Similar in their vision, the French prophet in the 16th century shares his own with wars and destruction upon the European map. He even foresees another deadly plague returning to sweep away everything around it. On top of all this, Nostradamus predicts that the world order in which power will be taken away from the west and that a new world order comes into being.
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