Samantha Ruth Prabhu, one of the leading actresses in the Indian film industry, has been making headlines recently with the news of her upcoming movie, “Kushi.” The film, directed by Shiva Nirvana, is touted to be a romantic comedy and will see Samantha in a never-seen-before avatar. The film also stars Vijay Deverakonda in crucial role.“Kushi” is a Telugu-language romcom produced by Mythri Movie Makers and is scheduled to be released on 1 September 2023. Marking Vijay Deverakondas birthday yesterday, the makers released the first song from the film – Na Roja Nuvve.Speaking about “Kushi,” Samantha said in a recent interview, “I am really excited to be a part of this project. The script is fresh and quirky, and I cannot wait for the audience to see it. Working with Vijay has been an amazing experience, and Vijay and I share a great chemistry on screen. I am confident that Kushi will be a fun ride for the audience.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Samantha (@samantharuthprabhuoffl) It should be noted that Vijay Deverakonda and Samantha are said to be quite close. Both the actors were seen together in Keerty Sureshs Mahanati.The film was scheduled to release in December 2022 but due to other commitments and Samanthas illness, the production got postponed. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Samantha (@samantharuthprabhuoffl) Kushi is slated to release pan-India in various languages. Hesham Abdul Wahab has composed the music for the film.