On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, actor Boman Irani took a stroll down memory lane and recalled essaying the role of Mahatma Gandhi in Feroze Khans Mahatma v/s Gandhi.Actor Boman Irani loses 30 kg to play Mahatma GandhiTaking to Instagram, Boman revealed that he lost 30 kgs for the role.“Its Gandhi Jayanti. However, we should be thinking of him and his principles every single day. I had the good fortune to play him in Feroze Khans Mahatma vs Gandhi. Lost 30 Kgs to essay the part but gained a lifetime of learning,” he wrote. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Boman Irani (@boman_irani) Boman also shared pictures from the play.In the coming months, Boman will be seen sharing screen space with superstar Shah Rukh Khan in Rajkumar Hiranis Dunki.Sharing his experience working with SRK, Boman earlier said, “I wont be afraid to say its the greatest experience working with Shah Rukh. Hes the finest co-actor and star to work with. It doesnt feel like hes this big big star, hes like a brother. He treats everybody so well, its such a beautiful light atmosphere and every time I work with Shah Rukh, I feel like a happier and younger person.”The duo has shared a great bond for years now. This is not the first time Boman and SRK have worked together. They have previously appeared together in films such as Main Hoon Na, Don, and Happy New Year. Their film Dunki will hit the theatres on December 22. With ANI feeds