Bigg Boss Contestant Arrested: Varthur Santhosh, a participant in Bigg Boss Kannada Season 10, has found himself in a precarious situation. During the show, he was arrested for allegedly possessing a tiger claw pendant and has now been remanded to judicial custody for 14 days. The arrest took place on the evening of October 22, while he was actively participating in the reality TV programme Bigg Boss Kannada Season 10.Confirmation of Tiger ClawBengaluru Urban Deputy Conservator of Forests, N Ravindrakumar, verified that Santhosh was wearing a tiger claw pendant. He dispatched his officials to the show, and they subsequently removed Santhosh. As a result, the contestant is now in custody, according to reports.Tiger Claw OriginsDuring the investigation, Santhosh reportedly asserted that the tiger claw had been gifted to him by his ancestors. To ascertain its authenticity, officials have sent the claw to a Forensic Laboratory for confirmation.Legal RamificationsRegarding his judicial arrest, Santhoshs lawyer, Nataraj, issued a statement, saying, We have submitted an application in the court, and there is a hearing scheduled for Wednesday. Complainants are urged to present their objections to the application. A case has been registered under the Wildlife Protection Act.Legal Action InitiatedMinister of Forest Department, Ishwar Khandrey, provided a response, indicating, A complaint was received that Santhosh has nailed his nails with tiger claws. Based on this, he has been arrested and is currently undergoing interrogation, in accordance with wildlife regulations. Legal action will be pursued, regardless of the individuals involved.Serious Offence Under Wildlife ActFor those unaware, wearing or displaying any animal parts is a punishable offence under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, which offers stringent protection for highly endangered species like tigers. Individuals found guilty of this offence can face imprisonment for three to seven years.Fame and Business VenturesVarthur Santhosh, who garnered fame through his efforts to preserve cattle breeds, discussed his passion during his appearance on the Bigg Boss stage. However, his dream of winning the shows trophy now appears to be eclipsed by his judicial detention.In addition to his television appearances, Varthur Santhosh is reported to be involved in the cattle trade business in Bengaluru and operates a real estate venture.Bigg Boss 17 UnderwayMeanwhile, Bigg Boss Season 17 commenced on October 15, featuring 17 contestants. The participants include Munawar Faruqui, Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma, Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Abhishek Kumar, Isha Malviya, Navid Sole, Anurag Dhobal, Soniya Bansal Khanaadi, Jigna Vora, Rinku Dhawan, Sunny Arya, Mannara Chopra, and Arun Mashettey.