The trailer for Shah Rukh Khans much-awaited film Jawan has been released, and fans couldnt be happier. The trailer had fans going gaga over it on social media on Thursday.Netizens speculate that the movie is nothing less than a blockbuster. Additionally, SRKs line from the movie, “Bete ko haath lagane se pehle, baap se baat kar,” has become very popular due to the positive buzz.Amid the trailer hype, former Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) zonal director Sameer Wankhede posted a quote that went viral shortly after.I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hellfrom you.-Nicole LyonsA quote that always inspires me !@ABPNews @news24tvchannel @RoflGandhi_— Sameer Wankhede (@swankhede_IRS) August 31, 2023 Fans conjectured that the chat was meant to put into perspective the fact that, Sameer detained Aryan Khan in 2021 in connection with the drug case. After several court appearances and nearly a month in detention, the Bombay High Court granted him bail. Later, Aryan Khan received a pass.The case changed course because Sameer Wankhede was charged with corruption for reportedly demanding Rs 25 crore from SRK in exchange for the release of Aryan Khan.Fans speculateThe post led to fans speculating and trolling Wankhede for the same. Moreover, no official statement was made confirming the motive of the post. Fans continue to buzz around the matter on social media.