Renowned filmmaker Neeraj Pandey, known for his iconic works such as A Wednesday and Special 26, has announced the second season of the hit crime thriller series, Khakee: The Bihar Chapter.Expressing his enthusiasm for this upcoming venture, Pandey said, “Working with Netflix has been a rewarding experience that has opened up boundless possibilities. Their passion for storytelling aligns well with my vision. Our journey together so far has been incredible and Im confident that our extended collaboration will bring forth more local stories from the heartland of India to a wider audience both within the nation and globally.”Pandey extended his gratitude towards the viewers who championed the debut season of the series, saying, “I would like to thank our audiences for their support and for the success of Khakee-The Bihar Chapter. This propels us to work harder.”Taking to his Instagram handle to share the exciting news, the director wrote, “As always, we look forward to your love, wishes and blessings with the announcement of Season 2 of Khakee!” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Neeraj Pandey (@neerajpofficial) Netflix shared the promo video of the upcoming season of Khakee, with the caption reading, “You call, and we dont show up! The second chapter of the story of the gun and the law – Khakee returns for season 2.”Neeraj Pandey, Netflix combine for new Khakee seasonThe collaboration between Neeraj Pandeys Friday Storytellers LLP, the digital content production arm of Friday Filmworks, and Netflix has yielded remarkable results. Their partnership extends beyond this project as they embark on a journey of crafting multiple compelling narratives.Khakee: The Bihar Chapter delves into the intense confrontation between Amit Lodha, an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer, and a notorious gang leader. The series boasts a remarkable cast including Brijeshwar Singh, Avinash Tiwary, Abhimanyu Singh, and Karan Tacker.Additionally, the ensemble features accomplished actors such as Aishwarya Sushmita, Jatin Sarna, Ravi Kishan, Ashutosh Rana, Nikita Dutta, Anup Soni, Shraddha Das, Neeraj Kashyap, and Bharat Jha.The debut season of the series was released on November 25, 2022, and now, with the eagerly anticipated second season in the pipeline, fans can look forward to another thrilling chapter in the world of Khakee.