On Sunday, the Kolkata Knight Riders triumphantly secured the IPL 2024 trophy after a thrilling victory over Sunrisers Hyderabad in the final match held in Chennai. This time Shahrukh Khan and Juhi Chawlas team Kolkata Knight Riders won the title. It took the team 10 years to do this. Because of this also this celebration is even more special. This year, Shahrukh Khan participated in this cricket festival with great enthusiasm and was seen supporting his team on many occasions.SRK came to support team Shahrukh Khan, who had come to support the team recently, also became a victim of heat wave and was admitted to the hospital. Even a day after discharge, SRK arrived with his entire family to support his team and celebrated with great enthusiasm after the victory.KKR won Under the guidance of Gautam Gambhir and captaincy of Shreyas Iyer, KKR team performed very well and also topped the points table this year. Also, in the final, they easily defeated the dangerous Sunrisers Hyderabad team and won the trophy after 10 years. Many photos and videos of Shahrukh Khan have surfaced on social media in which he is seen celebrating.SRK kisses Gautam Gambhirs foreheadSometimes he is seen standing headlong on the field, sometimes he is seen kissing his wife Gauri Khan. Sometimes he was seen sharing an emotional moment with his daughter Suhana and sometimes he was seen hugging the teams young player Rinku Singh. His enthusiasm appeared like that of a child. SRK also planted a kiss on Gautam Gambhirs forehead. The Adorable celebration of King Khan & Gauri Khan After Winning IPL 2024 💜🔥 #srk #KKRvsSRHFinal #iplcricket #shahrukhkhan pic.twitter.com/QnCckjFXIb— Deepali Solankey (दीपाली) (@DeepaliSolankey) May 26, 2024अब सुरेश चव्हाणके गेंडा IPL जिहाद शो कब करेगा..SRK के साथ साथ गंभीर को भी जिहादी बता देगा...... #iplcricket #Srk pic.twitter.com/Yi0O23Hvhg— Wajidkhan (@realwajidkhan) May 26, 2024 IPL 2024In the IPL tournament which lasted for about 2 months, cricket was seen everywhere. This time so many runs were scored which were not seen in any tournament before. The final match was seen between two teams which had hit sixes of the opponent during the entire season. During this time, high voltage competition was expected but it did not happen. Sunrisers Hyderabad batted first and could score only 113 runs in 18.3 overs.