Kannada actor Nagabhushana allegedly hit a couple with his car in Bengaluru on Saturday. The woman died while the man is still undergoing treatment.The actor was heading towards Konanakunte from Uttarahalli. When around 9:45 pm on Saturday, Nagabhushana rammed his car into the car who were walking on a footpath at Vasantha Pura main road.After the tragic incident, an FIR has been lodged with Kumaraswamy traffic police station in Bengaluru. The police in the complaint have mentioned the reason of the accident as negligent driving.“Have sent his blood sample for an alcohol test. With our breathanalyzer device, we didnt find traces of alcohol,” said Shiva Prakash D, DCP Traffic South. However, the actor was given bail.Meanwhile, the actor was last seen in Shashanks comedy-drama Kousalya Supraja Rama.