Following the announcement of the Lok Sabha election results for 2024, an old video featuring Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor is going viral on social media. In this video, Kareena Kapoor is heard expressing her desire to date Rahul Gandhi in this.Simi Grewal show clip goes viralIt has been confirmed that the video that is making rounds on social media is an old clip of Kareena Kapoor Khan when Simi Grewal interviewed her. Kareena Kapoor is asked in this interview by Simi Grewal who she would date if she could choose anyone in the world. In response, Kareena states that while this might be a little contentious, she would like to know more about Rahul Gandhi, expressing her interest in the politician who has emerged as a Hero of the common man after the announcement of the poll results. View this post on Instagram A post shared by 🐍 (@7khoonmaaffff)Kareena Kapoor desired to date Rahul for this reasonKareena Kapoor said that she was reading a magazine when she noticed an image of Gandhi Rahul. I wondered what it would be like to chat with him while I stared at that picture. He comes from a political family and I come from a film family, so it is possible that we can have an interesting conversation, Kareena Kapoor said. During the premiere of her first movie, Refugee, Kareena was interviewed. In the year 2000, Kareenas film Refugee was released. She was accompanied in this movie by Bollywood celebrities Jackie Shroff, Sunil Shetty, and Abhishek Bachchan. Shahrukh-Rahul Gandhi videoIn addition to Kareena Kapoor, Shahrukh is also featured in a viral video. Rahul Gandhi asks Shahrukh Khan a question in this video that he intends to offer to elected officials. In his unique manner, Shahrukh Khan responded to this. Politicians, he continued, ought to be as truthful as they can be. Rahul Gandhi, Shahrukh Khan, the beauty of India under Congress rule ❤️#ShahRukhKhan𓃵— Ankit Mayank (@mr_mayank) April 7, 2024