Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, whos riding high on the hype of his next film Animal on Wednesday, summoned the Enforcement Directorate in connection with the Mahadev online betting case. He was directed to appear before the investigating agency on October 10. Kapoor is a social media influencer for the online betting platform and allegedly received payments for promoting the app.Several top celebrities, including Bollywood actors, singers, and comedians, are under scrutiny by the probe agency after they attended the lavish wedding of online betting app promoter Sourabh Chandrakar in Dubai. Sources in the agency said that some celebrities are likely to be called as witnesses in the money laundering case against the platform.Fraud in the name of Mahadev!The central investigating agency carried out searches in Kolkata, Bhopal, and Mumbai in relation to the alleged money laundering networks connected with the Mahadev Online Book App, a betting platform headquartered in the UAE.According to the case, large-scale hawala operations are allegedly being done using the platform to siphon off the proceeds of betting to offshore accounts.ED sources lash out at the scamED sources said, “Chandrakar and MOB platforms other promoter, Ravi Uppal, have created an empire for themselves in the UAE. Their sudden and illegal riches are being openly flaunted by them.The promotion of the platform reportedly spent ₹200 crore on the wedding, and the agency is trying to trace the money trail to establish the end beneficiaries.According to the investigation, celebrities who performed at the wedding were paid a hefty sum of fees through dubious transactions this is also a speculated reason for Rabirs summons by ED.