Bigg Boss 17 winner and stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui has tied the knot in a secret marriage with Mahjabeen Kotwala. The news of his wedding remained under seal until today after the images of his marriage surfaced. Visuals viral Both appear to be standing together in the leaked photos. Munawar is wearing a white shirt and beige pants, and Mahjabeen Kotwala is dressed in a lavender suit. In addition, both can be seen cutting a cake. The supporters appeared pleased as well after witnessing the two of them together for the first time. However, trolls are in plentiful supply. People are also talking about Munawars numerous affairs and his previous lives. View this post on Instagram A post shared by MunawarXTabish (@munawar___faruquiiii)Who is Munawars lady loveAmidst all the dating rumours, the marriage news of the star shocked his fans and followers. His second wife, Mahjabeen Kotwala is a well-known makeup artist. Mehzabeen resides in Agripada, Mumbai Central, South Mumbai and keeps travelling to Dubai for work. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mehzabeen (@makeupbymehzabeen)Married beforeSeveral claims indicate that the wedding took place around 10-12 days ago, and was attended by only close friends and family members. They had organised a wedding reception at the ITC Maratha on Sunday. Online rumours regarding the comedians second marriage started to circulate after one of his fan accounts posted about Munawars covert nuptials. Additionally, a photo of the wedding invitation has been making the rounds online. Second marriage for bothThis is the second marriage for both Munawar and Mahjabeen. Munawar had his first marriage with Jasmine. He has a six-year-old son Mikael with his first wife. The marriage happened in 2017 until they got separated in 2020. On the other hand, Mehzabeen has a 10-year-old daughter from her previous marriage. She is often seen posing with her. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mehzabeen (@makeupbymehzabeen)