Another morphed video has been taking rounds on the internet after Rashima Mandanna, Katrina Kaif and Kajol fell prey to deepfake video. Now, you would be thinking about the actor, who had been a victim of the deepfake video controversy. Right This time, it is Alia Bhatt. Yes, a video with a morphed face of Alia has gone viral across social media, sparking concerns over the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence).Alia Bhatts deepfake video goes viralFor those who are unaware, the video in which Alia can be seen in a blue floral co-ord set is not hers. Her face is edited by a different lady.Adding to the latest string of deepfake controversies, a morphed video of Alia Bhatt has gone viral. The video shows a girl dressed in a blue floral co-ord set with Alias face on it, making some obscene gestures to the camera. Actors trapped in deepfake video controversyA few days back, a manipulated video of DDJL star, Kajol undressing was circulated online. Her face was digitally superimposed onto influencer Rosie Breens original TikTok clip of herself changing clothes posted for the Get Ready With Me trend. These AI-generated videos sparked concern over potential misuse after the fake celebrity imagery garnered attention.This new video comes amid the ongoing concerns around deepfake after a clip of Rashmika Mandanna went viral.The emergence of deepfakes depicting Rashmika Mandanna and Katrina Kaif has stirred apprehension around the misuse of realistic manipulated media involving prominent celebrities.