Om Rauts Adipurush seems to have suffered at the box office amid harsh criticism, demonstrations, and bans. Adipurush merely made ₹20 crores on Monday, which is sometimes regarded as the actual measure of a movies popularity among viewers.According to sources, the movies Monday box office performance dropped after it earned ₹220 crores in India over the weekend. On Friday, it brought in ₹86 crore, on Saturday, ₹65 crore, and Sunday, ₹69 crore. It has ₹340 crore in worldwide revenue. Although the numbers from Monday do not include the global statisticsFilm trade analyst Taran Adarsh announced the crash on Monday. He wrote in a tweet, “THE NEGATIVE WORD OF MOUTH HAS COME INTO PLAY… After a strong opening weekend, Adipurush COLLAPSES on Monday. Hindi version. India biz (business).”THE NEGATIVE WORD OF MOUTH HAS COME INTO PLAY…After a strong opening weekend, #Adipurush COLLAPSES on Monday.#Hindi version. #India biz.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 19, 2023Adipurush faces protestA ban on all Hindi films in Nepal was enacted as a result of demonstrations on Monday that were sparked by Adipurush, a beautiful multilingual retelling of the Ramayana. Mumbai Police granted dialogue writer Manoj Muntashir Shuklas plea for security as the dispute over the movie intensified and viewers in various areas of Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Delhi flocked to the streets.Dialogues from Adipurush criticisedAdipurush which stars Prabhas and Kriti Sanon, has drawn criticism for its speech, its use of slang, and how some characters from the beloved legendary epic are portrayed. Adipurush, starring Prabhas as Raghav (Ram), Kriti Sanon as Janaki (Sita), and Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh (Raavan), was released nationwide on Friday in Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Tamil.Amid death threats, Manoj Muntashir gets police securitySince the movies release last Friday, the creators of Adipurush have received harsh criticism and harassment. Particularly, Manoj Muntashir, who wrote the language and the songs for the movie, has had to deal with the anger of the protesters who are upset about the unsuitable and strange portrayals of Lord Rama, Goddess Sita, Lord Hanuman, Demon King Ravan, and other significant characters in Adipurush.In this case, Manoj received a few death threats on social media. Citing the threat to his life, he went to the Mumbai Police and requested protection. He has been given security by the Mumbai Police, who are also looking into the situation. In the meantime, Manoj recently confirmed that some of the contentious talks in Adipurush that offended the feelings of the majority will be removed.