Amid a massive political row over Om Rauts Adipurush starring Prabhas as Ram and Kriti Sanon as Sita, senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh on Saturday said, “The movie once again proved that BJP is a cheap, sadak-chhap party as the movie received blessings from several BJP and ally leaders including Yogi Adityanath, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Eknath Shinde, Devendra Fadnavis, Manohar Lal Khattar, Himanta Biswa Sarma, Pushkar Singh Dhami, and Narottam Mishra. The BJP is not of the Ram, the aam, or the kaam (work).” Sanjay Singh, Singh added that it solely is engaged in “dirty politics.”Lines, such as “kapda tere baap ka, tel tere baap ka, and jalegi bhi tere baap ki/teri bua ka bagicha hai kya jo hawa khane chala aya,” are quite disrespectful. Manoj Muntashir wrote whatever was asked to write, according to the AAP MP.Senior AAP leader & Rajya Sabha Member @SanjayAzadSln addressing an important press conference | LIVE— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) June 17, 2023However, Manoj Muntashir has also defended the dialogues that he has written for the movie Adipurush.Supriya Shrinate of Congress compared Adipurush to Ramanand Sagars series Ramayana. Taking it to Twitter, “Ramanand Sagar did not hurt the faith of crores of people with Tapori language, but imprinted a sweet, gentle and charming image of Siyaram in the minds and hearts of society.”हमारे आराध्य भगवान श्रीराम मर्यादापुरुषोत्तम है और प्रभु श्री हनुमान सौम्यता और गम्भीरता का प्रतीक हैं। 1987 में जब श्री रामानन्द सागर ने रामायण धारावाहिक बनाया, तब तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री स्व० राजीव गांधी जी ने कहा था कि “ रामायण ने लाखों दर्शकों के मन-मस्तिष्क को प्रज्वलित कर…— Supriya Shrinate (@SupriyaShrinate) June 17, 2023“This is the difference between religion and the business of religion. You will get cheap popularity on the strength of your sycophancy, big shows are also available, but lack of talent definitely comes in the way. The writer who calls Hanuman Tere Baap ki Jali is a joke written by a writer and a vulgar Hindu,” Shrinate added.