'Scarred not scared': Hina Khan updates about her health

Maharashtra: Hina Khan, who's presently witnessing immunotherapies after completing chemotherapy sessions, lately showed radiation skin burns in a selfie taken at the spa.

Nishika Jha
Last Updated : Tuesday, 04 March 2025
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Maharashtra: Hina Khan, who's presently witnessing immunotherapies after completing chemotherapy sessions, lately showed radiation skin becks in a selfie taken at the spa.

Hina Khan mentioned radiation burn?

Hina Khan shared an Instagram story where she gave an update about her health about mentioned about radiated skin scars. Also called radiation becks. It’s ok. The marks will probably fade down over time and we will get through this. There are a thousand beautiful effects staying for you, my girl Belief, strength, faith, kindness, and gratefulness .#Onedayatatime.#Scarrednotscared

What causes radiation burns ?

Dr Gaurav Jaswal, elderly adviser and radiation oncologist at Onco Life Cancer Centre, Talegaon, said radiation becks or radiation- convinced skin injury do when the skin is damaged due to exposure to a high cure of ionising radiation, a form of energy that can change our body.  "These can do from any of the sources, including medical treatments like radiation treatment for cancer, nuclear accidents, artificial radiation exposure, and dragged sun exposure," said Dr Jaswal.

Hina Khan shares an update about her health Instagram/@realhinakhan

These are different from thermal burns , and in clinical practice are called radiation dermatitis. Every time millions of people suffer radiation treatment in India and around the world. According to Dr Jaswal, 90 per cent of these people will develop some form of radiation-convinced skin injury or dermatitis, which can range from mild in utmost cases to severe in a many. By life office