Voting took place on 49 seats in 8 states and union territories in the 5th phase of Lok Sabha elections. But, what caught everyones attention was this unique record where a village in Lalit constituency recorded 100 percent voting. The name of village in Uttar Pradesh is Saulda which comes under Madawara block of Lalitpur district. 100 percent voting in this village According to the information, 100 percent voting was done at polling booth 277 of Saulda village till 1 pm. For this the administration here worked on a war footing. It is said that a voter was living in Bangalore. He was called by flight from Bangalore to Bhopal. He booked a vehicle from Bhopal, reached his village and cast his vote. The administration took the entire expense of the voter.Adminstration took all expensesApart from this, the administration also called some laborers for voting at its own expense, so that the target of 100 percent voting could be achieved. CDO of Lalitpur Kamalkant Pandey said that the objective of the Election Commission and the district administration was to conduct 100 percent voting here. In this, everyone including the village head of Saulda, the Panchayat Secretary, the BLO here have played an important role.Voting in fifth phase The fifth phase, voting took place on 14 Lok Sabha seats of UP. Voting was held in Lucknow, Rae Bareli, Amethi, Jalaun, Jhansi, Hamirpur, Banda, Fatehpur, Mohanlalganj, Kaushambi, Barabanki, Faizabad, Kaiserganj and Gonda. 57.79 percent votes were cast in Uttar Pradesh.