A shocking incident of assault has rocked the election campaign trail in North East Delhi, involving Congress and India Block candidate, Kanhaiya Kumar. During a public event in Kartar Nagar, Osmanpur police station area, a young man, purportedly there to garland Kumar, instead slapped him. The altercation, captured on video and circulating widely on social media, shows the assailant initially approaching Kumar with a garland before turning aggressive. However, Kumars supporters intervened promptly, apprehending the attacker.Eyewitness accountsAAP Councilor Chhaya Sharma, present at the scene, recounted the harrowing experience in a written complaint. She detailed how a group of individuals barged into the Satyanarayan Bhawan Councilor Office, where Kumar was attending a meeting. Two among them garlanded Kumar before assaulting him. Sharma herself was subjected to threats and intimidation, with her scarf seized, and she was forcibly taken aside.Watch the video here:#BreakingNews : नॉर्थ ईस्ट दिल्ली से कांग्रेस उम्मीदवार कन्हैया कुमार की पिटाई#KanhaiyaKumar #LoksabhaElection2024 #Congress #NorthDelhi #IndiaDailyLive@kanhaiyakumar @INCIndia @INCDelhi pic.twitter.com/OIIsyXX6q3— India Daily Live (@IndiaDLive) May 17, 2024The incident escalated further, with reports of black ink being hurled, resulting in injuries to several attendees, including women. Sharmas complaint alleges threats to her life and her husbands.Political implicationsKanhaiya Kumar, who is contesting from North East Delhi, faces formidable opponents in the BJPs Manoj Tiwari.