Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday made a sharp attack on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi questioning the sudden silence of the industrialists including Adani and Ambani, asking them about having received money from Adani and Ambani. The statement from PM Modi came while speaking at a public rally in Telangana. He out lashed at Rahul Gandhi saying that Congresses Shehzada used to speak about the five industrialists, including Adani and Ambani, so why are they silent now#WATCH | In his address to a public meeting in Telanganas Karimnagar, PM Narendra Modi says, Shehzada of Congress, since his issue of Rafale grounded, he started talking about 5 industrialists all the time in the last five years...later he started saying Ambani-Adani, but…— ANI (@ANI) May 8, 2024Taking a jibe at Congress, PM Modi said that since the election dates have been announced, the party leaders have stopped targeting the Adani-Ambani. He said, “I smell something wrong here, the Congress should come and clarify.”He also came down heavily on Bharat Rashtra Samiti (BRS), the previous ruling party in the state. He asserted that BJP pursues the nation first policy, whereas Congress and BRS work on family first. He further lashed out saying that the Congress and the BRS works follow the Zero Governance model. There is a desperate need to save Telangana from the corrupt parties.