Indigos female passengers will now be able to choose to sit adjacent to another female passenger. According to the recent move, female flyers while booking can now see pre-booked seats by the other female flyers at the time of web check-in and select their seats accordingly. The move has been taken by the air carrier to provide female passengers more comfortable and safe traveling experience.“It is specifically tailored to PNRs with women travelers, solo as well as part of family bookings.… (this is) currently in pilot mode aligning with our girl power ethos,” the airline said in a statement, as quoted by Time of India.It is worth noting that the move by the airline has come after multiple incidents targeting female passengers on flights. One such event was reported when a male passenger urinated on a fellow passenger on an Air India flight, last year. Another similar incident came to light when a professor sexually assaulted a female doctor on Indigo flight.