Among Indias one of the leading banks, ICICI bank on Thursday barred over 17,000 credit card users issued in the past few days due to wrong users. However, the bank has started issuing new cards to the customers. The issue came to light when customers complained about the glitch that they could see details of other customers on their mobile app, exposing full card details, including CVV.However, no instance of misusing the bank card has been reported yet. Heres what the bank said on the issueAccording to the sources, one of the spokespersons of the bank said that the number of impacted credit card users constituted 0.1% of the banks credit card portfolio. The bank has also apologized for the inconvenience caused to customers and assured that the bank will appropriately compensate the customer in case of any financial loss.Meanwhile, the bank has blocked all the affected cards and issued the new ones to the customers.Notably, ICICI Bank has more than 6,000 branches spread across India and has over 28 million users on the iMobile Pay app.