On Tuesday, 22-carat gold prices in India are at Rs 5,260 per gram, while for 24-carat the price is at Rs 5,738 per gram.According to GoodReturns, the price of 22-carat gold was at Rs 52,600 per 10 grams Rs 57,380 for 10 gm 24-carat gold and silver at Rs 71,000 per kg respectively.Cities22-carat Gold (10 gm)24-carat Gold (100 gm)Silver (1 kg)Delhi52,750 57,530 71,000Mumbai52,600 57,38071,000Chennai52,90057,71073,500Kolkata52,600 57,38071,000Bengaluru52,600 57,38073,500Hyderabad52,600 57,38073,500Kerala52,600 57,38073,500