Anand Mahindra shares video of sofa transforming into a moving car

It cruises along the streets in a delightful spectacle that has captured the imagination of social media users worldwide.

Mayank Kasyap
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Courtesy: X/anandmahindra

New Delhi: Imagine the astonishment of discovering your ordinary sofa magically turning into a functional car. A captivating video showcasing this extraordinary feat has been making waves on social media, shared by none other than Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group. Social media users are buzzing with reactions to this unique spectacle, and here's an in-depth look at the fascinating video.

Becoming a viral sensation?

Anand Mahindra took to the 'X' platform to share the viral video, stating, "Is this just a fun project? Yes, absolutely, but look at the passion and engineering effort that went into it. If a country wants to become a leader in the automobile sector, then it needs many such inventions. Great job, be happy." He humorously adds, "I want to know the look on the face of the RTO inspector if I go to register such a car in India." The online community responded with wit, with one user jesting about the absence of seat belts and helmets.

Transforming sofa into vehicle

In the video, two enterprising individuals can be seen turning a simple sofa, ordered online, into a fully functional car. The duo ingeniously crafted a motor, fitted it beneath the sofa, added four wheels, and equipped it with brakes. The sofa was then seamlessly placed atop the structure. Once complete, the two pioneers sat on their unconventional creation, taking it for a spin on the road. The sight of a sofa cruising around like a car turned heads, leaving onlookers intrigued.

A glimpse of passion 

Anand Mahindra's post not only highlights the amusement factor but also underscores the passion and engineering prowess invested in such ventures. The unconventional project sparks a conversation about the need for innovative breakthroughs for a country to lead the automobile sector. As the video continues to circulate, it serves as a delightful reminder of the limitless possibilities when creativity and engineering unite.

It is a sight of an extraordinary blend of comfort and mobility as a sofa. It cruises along the streets in a delightful spectacle that has captured the imagination of social media users worldwide.