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Utpanna Ekadashi: Get abundance in life by praying Goddess Lakshmi this way

According to Padmapuran, by observing fast on Ekadashi, one attains salvation.

Sonia Dham
Last Updated : Friday, 08 December 2023
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Utpanna Ekadashi has special significance in Hindu religion. It is believed that the fast of Ekadashi started from Utpanna Ekadashi in vedic ages. It is also known as Kanya Ekadashi. Utpanna Ekadashi falls on the Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha of Margashirsha month. On this day, Lord Vishnu is worshiped with rituals. It is said that by fasting and worshiping Shri Hari on this day, the sufferings of the devotees are relieved and all their wishes are fulfilled.

In this particular context, there is a legend that states that after defeating the demon known as Mur, Lord Vishnu retired to the Badrikashram cave to repose. Mur arrived at Badrikashram by following Lord Vishnu. Upon Mur's attempt to murder the sleeping Lord, a goddess emerged from Lord Vishnu's body, ultimately leading to Mur's death.

According to mythological views, one gets the special blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth along with Lord Hari Vishnu by fasting on Utpanna Ekadashi. Devotee also get blessed with abundance in life.
According to Padmapuran, by observing this fast one attains salvation. By doing some special measures on Utpanna Ekadashi one can get blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.

It is said that fasting on the day of Ekadashi gives results equivalent to Ashvamedha Yagya. Not only this, there is also a belief that after being awake on the night of Ekadashi, one gets special blessings of God. If a person wants to start the fast on Ekadashi, then he/she can start it from the day of Utpanna Ekadashi.

Today’s Panchang

  • Margashirsha - Krishna Paksha – Ekadashi – Friday
  • Moon's transit to Libra
  • Today's auspicious time - Sarvartha Siddha Yoga from 10:43 am
  • Rahukaal- 10.35 am to 12.00 pm

Importance of Utpana Ekadashi

By observing Utpanna Ekadashi fast one gets the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi. By observing this fast, sins get vanished. Also, by donating on this day one gets manifold virtuous results.

Utpana Ekadashi fasting method

One should wake up in the morning and take a vow of fasting and take bath with pure water. After this, Lord Vishnu should be worshiped with sixteen items like incense, lamp, naivedya etc. as per the rituals.

One should meditate, chant mantras and bhajans throughout the day. After lighting up a lamp in the evening, devotees can eat fruits.

After that, the next morning, after worshiping Lord Vishnu, one should offer food to a Brahmin

Do these special measures on Utpanna Ekadashi, Goddess Lakshmi will be happy.

Whoever meditates, chants and worships Lord Vishnu on the day of Utpanna Ekadashi on the Krishna Paksha of Margashirsha month, all their desired wishes are fulfilled. Apart from this, some such measures have been mentioned in astrology which if done on this day, then with the grace of Goddess Lakshmi, one gets wealth in life.

Offering saffron kheer

According to astrology, on the day of Utpanna Ekadashi, one should first worship Lord Vishnu. For this, if possible, go to the temple of Lord Vishnu and offer him a garland made of yellow. After this, offer saffron kheer. But keep in mind that basil leaves must be added to the kheer. After this, offer water to the Peepal tree, then offer raw milk to the root of the tree, light a ghee lamp and worship with true devotion. It is believed that by doing this, Goddess Lakshmi becomes extremely happy and the desired wishes of the people are fulfilled.

Worship Tulsi

As per scriptures, Goddess Tulsi (sacred plant) must be worshiped on every Ekadashi. In this, special attention should be paid to the rules and regulations. First of all, offer water to Mother Tulsi, after that light a ghee lamp and chant the mantra 'Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay Namah' 11, 21, 51 or 101 times as per devotion and after reciting the aarti, circumambulate the Tulsi 11 times.

(Disclaimer: This information has been collected after consulting Archarya Dr Vikrmaditya, Astrologer)