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Astrology has been integral to our lives since ancient times. Our Hindu astrology is not only associated with the spiritual aspects but also throws light on financial and economic aspects. It is interesting to note that gods and planets represent every day of the week. While some days it is beneficial to hold transactions in […]
Astrology has been integral to our lives since ancient times. Our Hindu astrology is not only associated with the spiritual aspects but also throws light on financial and economic aspects. It is interesting to note that gods and planets represent every day of the week. While some days it is beneficial to hold transactions in money and leads to prosperity, on others, it is detrimental and attracts some negative consequences.
In astrology, there is a branch called “Muhurta” that deals with selecting auspicious times for specific activities, including financial transactions such as money lending. The belief is that certain planetary positions and configurations can influence the success or failure of these activities.
Let us understand more about this matter in depth:
Monday is associated with the moon, and astrologists claim that transacting in money on a Monday is not detrimental and can be engaged in without any worries.
Mars is used to represent Tuesday. This day also is denoted by god Kartikeya. Taking a loan on a Tuesday is considered inauspicious, and people should focus on paying off their debts on this day.
Mercury represents Wednesday. This day is considered to denote infertility and impotence in our ancient scriptures. Thus, taking loans on this day is also considered unpropitious, causing deep harm to the borrower at the time of repayment. However, investing in a savings scheme on a Wednesday is said to bring prosperity.
Jupiter denotes Thursday, and it is said that all loans given on this day are paid back on time. It is also said that all loans taken on this day must be repaid earlier, and thus, for this reason, it is considered that giving loans on a Thursday is better and taking loans on a Thursday should be avoided.
Lord Indra and planet Venus are used to denote Friday. Both of them are considered to be of a softer temperament, and because of this reason, transacting in money, whether lending or borrowing, on a Friday is considered auspicious.
Saturday is associated with Lord Shanidev and planet Saturn; both are considered to have a heated and difficult temperament. Thus, lending or borrowing money on a Saturday is considered inauspicious and should be avoided.
Sunday is denoted by Sun, which is also considered to have a heated and difficult temperament, so transacting in money on a Sunday should also be avoided.
Money transactions can either bring prosperity or create a downfall on any account. Hence considering astrology, one can perform money-related activities accordingly to prevent mishaps.