Lord Shiva (Representative Image) (freepik)
Sawan Shivratri in 2024 falls on August 2. According to Vedic Panchang, the day has special significance as it coincides with a rare astrological event that occuring after 19 years.
After approximately 19 years, Ardra Nakshatra will align with Sawan Shivratri again this year, occurred 19 years ago. Ardra is the sixth of the 27 constellations, with its presiding deity being the Rudra form of Lord Shiva. This year, Ardra Nakshatra will last from sunrise until 10:59 AM on Sawan Shivratri.
Night first prahar puja time - will be from 07:11 pm to 09:49 pm.
Night second prahar puja time - will be from 09:49 pm to 12:27 am.
Night third prahar puja time - will be from 12:27 am to 03:06 am.
Night fourth prahar puja time - will be from 03:06 am to 05:44 am on 3 August.
Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga – from 10:59 AM to 05:44 AM on August 3
Nishita Muhurta – from 12:06 AM to 12:49 AM on August 3
Brahma Muhurta – from 04:31 AM to 05:15 AM
Vijaya Muhurta – from 02:45 PM to 03:37 PM
Godhuli Muhurta – from 07:08 PM to 08:13 PM
Nishita Muhurta – from 12:12 AM to 12:55 AM
Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga – from 10:59 AM on August 2 to 6:02 AM on August 3
Method of Worship (Puja Vidhi):
Morning Preparations: Start the day with a bath and wear clean clothes.
Altar Setup: Set up an altar with an idol or picture of Lord Shiva.
Offering Water: Offer water (Jal) mixed with milk and honey to the Shiva Linga.
Bilva Leaves: Place fresh Bilva (Bael) leaves on the Shiva Linga.
Chanting Mantras: Recite Shiva mantras like "Om Namah Shivaya" and "Mahamrityunjaya Mantra."
Offerings: Make offerings of fruits, flowers, incense, and sweets to Lord Shiva.
Abhishek: Perform Abhishek with milk, curd, ghee, honey, and sugar.
Arti: Conduct the Shiv Aarti, singing hymns and praises to Lord Shiva.
Prasad: Distribute the offerings (Prasad) among family members and devotees.
Alternative Time: During any of the four Prahars of the night mentioned in the auspicious times.
By following these rituals and performing the puja with devotion, devotees can seek the blessings of Lord Shiva for health, prosperity, and spiritual growth.
(Disclaimer: This information has been collected from various mediums like astrologers, almanacs, beliefs or religious scriptures and has been presented to you. Please consult experts while making related decisions. TopIndianNews does not hold accountability for this information.)
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