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Role of Sun in astrology, let’s see how it works in our Astro chart

In astrology, the planet Sun stands for the soul, the parent, the government, power, and authority, as well as how you interact with the public. Simply said, the Sun gives life-sustaining energy, willpower, immunity, and the capacity to combat any negative aspects of your life, including internal health issues. The Sun plays an assertive, combative, […]

Sonia Dham
Last Updated : Wednesday, 28 June 2023
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In astrology, the planet Sun stands for the soul, the parent, the government, power, and authority, as well as how you interact with the public. Simply said, the Sun gives life-sustaining energy, willpower, immunity, and the capacity to combat any negative aspects of your life, including internal health issues.

The Sun plays an assertive, combative, and dominating role by nature.

A powerful Sun essentially provides you the ability to prevail against any circumstances, but it can also give you aggression, which can result in selfish inclinations. A weak Sun, on the other hand, can result in low self-esteem, inadequate self-expression, and awkward confrontations with authorities.

Sun is a planet with such great strength that its natural energies can overwhelm those of all other planets. However, if it the gloomy planet Rahu overshadows the Sun, it too loses all of its shine and experiences an eclipse.

In conclusion, no planet has any power or weakness outside of itself. It requires a break from many other planets as well as aspect assistance and even protection, and the outcomes rely on how each planet naturally interacts with the others. In life, the Moon and the Sunset are also necessary; a bright Sun is not required at all times, unlike a rising Sun, sunlight, and sunshine.

Its friendly planets are Mars, Jupiter, and Moon. Its enemy planets are Saturn and Venus. Whereas, Sun is seen as a neutral planet for Mercury.

Because of its immense power, the Sun as a planet has the ability to both bless and influence the outcomes of many other planets, even those with favourable natural results.

It governs and has an impact on the heart, brain, head, eye, chest, and lungs, to name a few body parts. The fact that the Sun is linked to numerous disorders of the heart, eyesight, head, bones, and heart palpitations is another reason for the significance and importance of the Sun in astrology.

The Sun, who rules all planets in horoscopes, travels through all Zodiac signs in about a year and spends about a month in each one.

Sun in 1st House

A person with the Sun in the first house of their horoscope is blessed with charisma, leadership, and passion. He will obey his father and be a respectable individual. On the other hand, rage, hostility, can win. These locals occasionally exhibit a self-centred attitude.

Sun in 2nd House

The Sun is located in the second house, which is fifth from the house of careers and can be helpful for achieving the finest job success. Sun in the second house might aid someone in entering politics and the public sector. Sun in 2nd House in a horoscope makes a person generous.

Sun in 3rd House

A person who has the Sun in the third house of their horoscope is more likely to become prominent, enter politics, and be daring. People who are in this Sun position are blessed with luxury and are dependable. A person with the Sun in the third House may be good in communicating, publishing, and editing work. A person with the sun in the third house may be charismatic and fortunate. They enjoy exploring new places and exchanging ideas with others.

Sun in 4th House

The person is blessed with assets and properties while the Sun is in the fourth House, the House of Family. They never forget their home. These people look out for the welfare and social standing of the family. They are more reclusive people that succeed in their later years. A person with the Sun in the fourth house can support social service, education, and the care of the poor, but they may also gloat about their accomplishments. A person with the sun in the fourth house has the potential to inherit money from their mother and to own real estate.

Sun in 5th House

Fifth house in the horoscope is the natural home of the Sun. This stands for artistic expression, academic learning, delight, and speculative industries like film and trading, among others. Sun in 5th House can inspire someone to pursue a career in the entertainment business, including TV, acting, and singing. These individuals may also make good producers and directors.

A person with the Sun in the fifth house may also be blessed with the opportunity to demonstrate their athletic powers. If they choose to pursue these endeavours professionally, they may get notoriety and a sizable sum of money from them. People with a creative mind and a 5th House personality are intelligent and energetic. They are bold and eccentric. These people are better at maintaining relationships and being attentive to others.

Sun in 6th House

A person can defeat their enemies, if the Sun is in the sixth house. Because war and conflicts are an aspect of politics, it also represents politics. Many lawyers, doctors, activists, and members of the medical community or of the safety divisions can be observed through this house.

Sun in 7th House

A person’s personal and marital life is greatly impacted by the Sun’s placement in the 7th House, the House of Marital Bliss. Marriage, economic partnerships, and romantic relationships are all examples of committed obligations that fall under the 7th House. An unfavourable Sun placement in the 7th House predicts difficulties in the person’s marriage. Additionally, it implies that the partner may occasionally become more egotistical, confrontational, or angry. A favourable Sun placement in the seventh house motivates a person, looks after the wife, enhances romance and love relationships, and protects a person from illnesses. Sun, which stands for energy, can bestow onto a person a successful career, position of high authority, and government position.

Sun in 8th House

Occult knowledge, covert things, sensitive information, and significant ups and downs are all represented by the 8th House. In-laws can provide wealth and assets to natives. The Sun will thrive in this location. The people are amazing people. They have an interest in occult and mystery.

Sun in 9th House

The 9th House stands for law, your father, your teachers, religion, and spirituality. These individuals will be greatly influenced by their father and enjoy adhering to the law. Constant search of wisdom comes as trait.

Sun in 10th House

People with the Sun in the 10th House hold positions of authority in the private or public sectors. This stands for executive job, professional advancement, and government work. Athletes, fighters, soldiers, and CEOs frequently belong to this House because it is the house of the presidency.

Sun in 11th House

The House of Wealth is the 11th house. Despite the fact that the Sun is not in a very favourable position, a person in this position is a good leader. The presence of the Sun in this House bestows wealth and long life upon the local.

Sun in 12th House

The hidden enemy, hidden treasure, and religion all reside in the 12th House. Recognising hidden skills and opponents is improved by the Sun in this House. This house helps the fashioning of international relations with other countries or business in foreign lands. Sun in 12th house sometimes can play havoc in a person’s life.

No house is more or less significant than another, and no planet in any house can produce consequences on its own. What your horoscope says about you is based on your previous birth, and what you will experience relies on how you manage your present-life karmic obligations.