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International Friendship Day: Planets that are responsible to bless you with good friends

It is often said that “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” This proverb becomes true if someone is blessed with a friend who stays with him in good and bad, both times. The good thing is that planets can also reveal what sort of people with befriend you. Some planetary positions can show […]

Edited By: Sonia Dham
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It is often said that “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” This proverb becomes true if someone is blessed with a friend who stays with him in good and bad, both times. The good thing is that planets can also reveal what sort of people with befriend you.

Some planetary positions can show what type of friends you will get in life. Overall ‘Mercury’, which is the fastest-moving planet can be seen for friendships, acquaintances, and even people you meet and interact with on social media. It all depends on Mercury in your birth chart, how you handle these connections. Apart from Mercury, connection with other planets is also seen in the birth chart.

  • The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are all in the 11th house and give well-wishers as friends.
  • The native will be destroyed by his pals if there are malefic planets placed in the 11th house.
  • The influence of Saturn on the Moon will make relationships with friends and lovers painful.
  • Malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu portend betrayal by companions.
  • Mars in the 11th house might result in arguments, squabbles, and miscommunications with friends.
  • A collaboration between friends and clients might be tainted by the influence of Saturn in the 11th house.
  • You will be blessed with a best friend if Mercury is viewed by Venus or Jupiter.

Let us know which two zodiac makes the best friend

Aries and Gemini:

The friendship between Aries and Gemini is a combination of dynamic energy. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, engage in stimulating conversations, and share a natural affinity for constant growth and learning.

Taurus and Cancer:

These two zodiacs form a bond that is deeply rooted in stability and emotional support for each other. Taurus brings stability and empathy and compassion are offered by Cancer.

Leo and Libra:

Together they pursue artistic endeavours, engage in social activities, and radiate positivity wherever they go.

Virgo and Scorpio:

A profound bond of loyalty and depth can be seen in their friendship.

Sagittarius and Aquarius:

Their friendship is based on thoughtfulness and individual freedom. They are known for their humanitarian pursuits and sense of adventure.

Capricorn and Pisces:

Capricorn provides stability and guidance, while Pisces infuses friendship with inspiration.

Similarly, each planet behaves differently and has friends and enemies.

Here is the list:

SunMoon, Mars, JupiterSaturn, VenusMercury
MoonSun, MercuryNoneRest of the planets
MarsSun, Moon, JupiterMercuryRest of the planets
MercurySun, VenusMoonVenus, Saturn
JupiterSun, Moon, MarsVenus, MercurySaturn
VenusSaturn, MercuryRest of the planetsJupiter, Mars
SaturnMercury, VenusRest of the planetsJupiter
Rahu, KetuVenus, SaturnSun, Moon, MarsJupiter, Mercury