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Pitru Paksha: A guide to honoring ancestors with right rituals and traditions

By observing these dos and don’ts during Pitru Paksha, families can pay homage to their ancestors in the most respectful and meaningful way.

Edited By: Sonia Dham
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Performing Shraadh in Pitru Paksha (wikimediacommons)

Pitru Paksha, also known as Shraddha Paksha, is a 16-day period in the Hindu calendar dedicated to honoring and paying homage to one’s ancestors. It is believed that during this time, the souls of the departed visit the Earth, and performing certain rituals helps ensure their peace and well-being in the afterlife. To honor the ancestors properly, there are specific traditions to follow. Here’s a guide on the key dos and don’ts during Pitru Paksha to ensure that you perform the rituals correctly and respectfully.

Dos During Pitru Paksha

Perform Tarpan and Shraddha Rituals

Tarpan (offering water) and Shraddha (ritualistic offerings of food) should be performed during this period. These rituals are traditionally conducted by the eldest son of the family or a male relative. It is believed that these acts please the ancestors and bring blessings to the family.

Feed the Brahmins and the Needy

After the Shraddha rituals, it is considered auspicious to feed Brahmins, priests, and the poor. This act of charity is believed to bring merit not only to the ancestors but also to the family performing the rituals.

Maintain a Pure and Sattvic Diet

During these 16 days, it’s important to follow a Sattvic (pure and vegetarian) diet. Consuming fresh, simple food without garlic, onions, or tamasic (heavy) ingredients is recommended.

Pray and Observe Silence

Devote time to prayers and meditative practices. Offering prayers to the departed souls, along with reciting the Bhagavad Gita or other scriptures, is considered highly beneficial.

Don’ts During Pitru Paksha

Avoid Non-Vegetarian Food and Alcohol

Consuming meat, alcohol, or any intoxicants is strictly prohibited during Pitru Paksha. Such items are believed to disturb the sanctity of the rituals and disrespect the ancestors.

Don’t Start New Ventures

Avoid starting new business ventures, purchasing property, or holding auspicious ceremonies like weddings or housewarming during this time, as it is believed to be inauspicious.

Avoid Cutting Hair and Nails

Refrain from cutting hair or nails during Pitru Paksha as a mark of respect for the departed souls. It’s considered a period of mourning and reflection.

Don’t Wear Bright Colors

Wearing bright and festive clothing is discouraged. Instead, wear simple, subdued attire as a sign of reverence during the rituals.

By observing these dos and don’ts during Pitru Paksha, families can pay homage to their ancestors in the most respectful and meaningful way.

(Disclaimer: This information has been collected from various mediums like astrologers, almanacs, beliefs or religious scriptures and has been presented to you. Please consult experts while making related decisions. TopIndianNews does not hold accountability for this information.)
