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The month of November is going to be very special in terms of fasts, festivals and planetary transits. In this month, 5 big planets including Saturn will change their movements due to which it will have auspicious and inauspicious effects on 12 zodiac signs. According to astrology, all the planets have their own special significance. Planetary upheavals in November are going to be beneficial for many zodiac signs.
The major transit which will happen in November will be, change in position of Saturn, which is commonly known as Shani. When Shani Dev starts moving in a straight direction, it is called Shani Dev being in direct or straight motion (Shani margi). Let us know which planets will transit in November, which zodiac signs will benefit from the change in the zodiac signs of the planets.
The planets Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Mars are going to transit in November 2023. This month, there will be a conjunction of Mercury, Mars and Sun in Scorpio also, which will create Trigrahi Yoga.
In November, both the beginning and end of the planetary transit will be from Venus, the factor of beauty, luxury, wealth and happiness. On November 3, 2023, Venus will enter Virgo at 05:24 AM. Then, on November 2023, it will enter Libra at 01:14 AM.
Saturn, who gives the results of karma or deeds, is going to move direct or Margi on November 4, 2023, at 12:31 PM, Saturn will move from retrograde to direct in Aquarius.
Mercury, the prince of planets, will enter Scorpio on November 6, 2023 at 04:32 PM. After this, the next transit of Mercury will take place in Sagittarius on November 27, 2023 at 06:02 AM.
Mars, the commander of the planets (Senapati) and the planet of courage, will enter Scorpio on November 16, 2023 at 11:04 AM.
Sun, the king of the planets, will enter Scorpio on November 17, 2023 at 01:30 AM. Trigrahi Yoga will be formed due to the conjunction of Mercury and Mars already present here.
According to the astrologers, these zodiac signs will get benefitted from planetary transit in November 2023.
The transit of planets in November will give special benefits to the people of Aries, Taurus, Libra, Cancer and Aquarius. Good days will start in the job for these zodiac signs. There will be profit in business. There will be happiness in the family.
(Disclaimer: This information has been collected from various mediums like astrologers, almanacs, beliefs or religious scriptures and has been presented to you. Please consult experts while making related decisions. TopIndianNews does not hold accountability for this information.)