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How does astrology explain Depression? Conjunctions, symptoms & ways to overcome

Depression, which is a common problem among people these days has a connection with your birth chart, according to astrology. The placement of the planets and where they are in the horoscope affect the intensity of depression. What is depression? It is a mental condition in which a person doesn’t feel good or cheerful, and […]

Sonia Dham
Last Updated : Tuesday, 08 August 2023
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Depression, which is a common problem among people these days has a connection with your birth chart, according to astrology. The placement of the planets and where they are in the horoscope affect the intensity of depression.

What is depression?

It is a mental condition in which a person doesn’t feel good or cheerful, and it might occur for no apparent cause occasionally. Even if they live in the lap of luxury, some people struggle with despair. Depression may be brought on by failures in life, a poor career, or a troubled love life. Due to mental fragility and the severity of depression, some people cannot tolerate it.

Symptoms of Depression

A depressed person will surely express or reflect some of the following symptoms or signs:

The person will have mood swings. He/she will show anger, aggressiveness, restlessness, anxiety, and thoughts of death or suicide. Emotionally they will feel empty, sad, happy, hopeless. Some people may also suffer from Insomnia (sleep disorder). They may also feel frequent pains, headaches, digestive problems, unintentional weight loss (without dieting), or low appetite. You will also be able to notice the inability to think, lack of concentration, and bad decision-making.

Astrological connection with depression

According to Vedic astrology, Moon represents our mind. Moon is the receiver of anything good or bad in our lives. Astrologers say that there are many combinations of the Moon with other planets that can be seen for the situation of mental illness or depression.

The conjunction of the Moon with Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu can give depression in the native. Apart from this, debilitated Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter can also lead to depression.

The conjunction of Saturn and Moon puts additional burden and responsibility on the emotional side.

Moon’s conjunction with Ketu could be another cause of depression in a native’s birth chart. Ketu is commonly called the south node of the Moon, which represents our subconscious thoughts. According to mythology, Ketu is a headless being that compels us to think about life beyond death; it represents spirituality, emptiness, and a disinterest in the world of things.

The person is more prone to experience depression when the Moon is conjunct with the planets in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses since the Moon is unhappy in these houses.

Remedies to overcome the situation

Experts say that Jupiter in good condition in the birth chart of natives can save a person from depression and many evil effects on life. Jupiter makes a person hopeful and motivated about life. The planet Jupiter symbolises wisdom, hope, and inspiration. So, if someone wants to be happy in life, should respect the planet Jupiter.

To tackle the problem, we should confer with an expert without losing our calm or becoming doubtful. Last but not least, we must acknowledge that life is about more than just enjoyment and that there is something bigger than our satisfaction. We must learn to accept the reality that we can’t do everything in life if we want to manage sadness. Stressing out is bad for your body and mind, so seek expert advice, heed their advice, hold onto hope, and you will be able to beat depression once and for all.