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Horoscope, October 20, 2023: Check out the positives changes that will happen today

Check the horoscope for Friday to plan your day.

Sonia Dham
Last Updated : Friday, 20 October 2023
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Success for Aries people is on the way. You will be able to set new goals and will be able to achieve them too. Family will support you. You will feel peace in the atmosphere at home. Students will be able to focus more on their studies.

Favourable Number: 1, 8

Favourable Colour: Red

Adorable God: Shri Hanuman Ji


Don’t get into arguments with your family today, it is likely that you might not get expected support from family. The pace at the work place will be little low. You will feel lethargic today.

Favourable Number: 2, 7

Favourable Colour: White

Adorable God: Shri Durga Mata


You are likely to get some good news from your business partner today. The hinderance for selling your property will go away. People will agree with your ideas. Multiple thoughts will float in your mind.

Favourable Number: 3, 6

Favourable Colour: Yellow

Adorable God: Shri Ganesha Ji


Some excellent proposals are on the way in your business. Try to get indulged in the creative activities. You are likely to spend on household items.

Favourable Number: 4

Favourable Colour: Milky

Adorable God: Shiv Ji


Try not to depend on others for your work today. Try to make strategy for your work. You will spend good time with your partner. Intimacy will increase. Try not to spend extraordinary.

Favourable Number: 5

Favourable Colour: Golden

Adorable God: Shri Vishnu Narayan


People who are associated with the education field will get honoured today. Money-related issues could bother you a little. Property related matter will get delayed a little.

Favourable Number: 3, 8

Favourable Colour: Green

Adorable God: Shri Ganesha Ji


Owners of Import-Export business will get profits today. You will power will become stronger. Relations with seniors will improve and you will feel motivated at the work place. health will improve.

Favourable Number: 2, 7

Favourable Colour: White

Adorable God: Shri Durga Mata


The day will favour professionals today. Listening music will make you calm. People at the senior level at the work place are likely to take advice from you.

Favourable Number: 1, 8

Favourable Colour: Red

Adorable God: Shri Hanuman ji


You will be able to see an improvement in your talents today. Past promises will get fulfilled. Expenses will see a decline. People associated with fashion and cinema will recognised for their work today.

Favourable Number: 9, 12

Favourable Colour: Yellow

Adorable God: Shri Vishnu Narayan


Women should be careful while using social media. People will try to give unnecessary tensions, but don’t spoil relations with your partners. Transfer for some is on the chart.

Favourable Number: 10, 11

Favourable Colour: Cyan

Adorable God: Shiv Ji


Business expansion for some is likely. Your self-confidence will improve. Acidity or stomach related problems could trouble you a little. Unmarried people will get into relations with some good marriage proposals.

Favourable Number: 10, 11

Favourable Colour: Cyan

Adorable God: Shiv Ji


Your business will get good returns. You will be able to notice peace in the personal life. Emotionally, you will be much stronger than before.

Favourable Number: 9, 12

Favourable Colour: Yellow

Adorable God: Shri Vishnu Narayan

(Disclaimer: This information has been collected from various mediums like astrologers, almanacs, beliefs or religious scriptures and has been presented to you. Please consult experts while making related decisions. TopIndianNews does not hold accountability for this information.)