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Horoscope, October 12, 2023: Know what is there for you…

Aries: Partnership in business could harm you a little. Take advice from your life partner today. Try to spend time with children. People in politics will get assigned with a new role. Taurus: You will be able to come out of all the losses in business, but avoid lending or borrowing money today. At the […]

Sonia Dham
Last Updated : Wednesday, 11 October 2023
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Partnership in business could harm you a little. Take advice from your life partner today. Try to spend time with children. People in politics will get assigned with a new role.


You will be able to come out of all the losses in business, but avoid lending or borrowing money today. At the professional the day will be good with the subordinate employees.


Students need to focus on their studies for getting desired results. Take care of your stomach, avoid eating unhealthy food. People at high ranks may get pressurised due to workload. People battling with the legal disputes will get through them today.

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Speak sensibly today, don’t get involved in the arguments. The day is favourable for the students planning for the competitive exams. People associated with creative field will get recognition for their work. Martial life will be happy.


Students have to be focused on their targets with positivity in the mind. Productivity for professionals will see an increase. New interviews will get success.


Money related issue could bother your today. Take care of the health of your life partner. Confidence is good but overconfidence could lead to problems for your today. Desirable results will be difficult at the professional front.


If you are planning for the big changes in your business, go head with them right now. Let the right time come. Some tensions may get triggered in the personal relations. Don’t discuss personal matter with others. Joint pain could trouble you a bit.


Love in personal life will increase. The projects that were stuck from long time, will fall in place now, especially for the people involved in the property business. Guests are expected today. Try yoga for mental well-being.


Matters related to ancestral properties may get hindered. People involved in government jobs can plan for leave. Remain focused on your goals.


Meeting old friends in on the chart today. Think twice before sharing your thoughts on social media. Unmarried people will get into relationships. Be nice and respectful to people. Take care of cervical problems.


You will get interested in religious activities. People at the professional front will get appreciated. Legal battles will favour you. People will admire your decisions as you will dominate your rivals.


Try maintaining disciplined life. Though you get good profits at the business but the stress will also get increased. Don’t trust strangers. Take care of your mother’s health today.

(Disclaimer: This information has been collected from various mediums like astrologers, almanacs, beliefs or religious scriptures and has been presented to you. Please consult experts while making related decisions. TopIndianNews does not hold accountability for this information.)