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Astrological Remedies: Mystical power of black thread; Why do girls wear anklet?

According to Lal Kitab, Saturdays are considered propitious for wearing the black thread. It's customary to tie the black thread around the left ankle, symbolizing protection and good fortune.

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In the realm of astrological remedies, the black thread holds a special place, believed to ward off evil and bring prosperity. From adorning wrists to encircling necks, this age-old tradition has found its way into various facets of life, promising a myriad of benefits. Let's delve into the significance and advantages of donning the black thread.

Choosing the Auspicious Day

According to Lal Kitab, Saturdays are considered propitious for wearing the black thread. It's customary to tie the black thread around the left ankle, symbolizing protection and good fortune.

Dispelling Saturn's Malefic Influence

It's widely believed that wearing the black thread around the ankle alleviates the adverse effects of Saturn (Shani Dosha). This act is thought to neutralize negative energy, offering relief from life's challenges and tribulations.

Financial Prosperity

The black thread, when worn, is believed to attract financial stability and alleviate monetary constraints. It's said to mitigate business hurdles and foster economic growth.

Warding Off Evil Eye

Adorning the wrists and ankles with the black thread is thought to serve as a shield against the malevolent gaze, safeguarding individuals from envy and ill will. It's believed to deflect negative energy and avert misfortune.

Overcoming Obstacles

In addition to averting the evil eye, wearing the black thread is believed to ward off obstacles and challenges in life. It's thought to mitigate hurdles and pave the way for smooth sailing.

Astrological Exceptions

As per Lal Kitab, individuals belonging to the Aries (Mesh) and Scorpio (Vrishchik) zodiac signs are advised against wearing the black thread. Given that Mars (Mangal) governs these signs and is associated with the color red, wearing black may be counterproductive.

Precautions and Rituals

While donning the black thread, it's advisable to recite the Rudra Gayatri mantra: "Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat." This ritual is believed to enhance the protective properties of the thread.

A Note on Love

It's an age-old adage that love is the cornerstone of relationships. Without love, the foundation of any relationship remains shaky, devoid of the warmth and affection necessary for its sustenance.

In Conclusion

The black thread, steeped in tradition and mystique, continues to be embraced by individuals seeking solace and protection in an unpredictable world. Whether worn for spiritual reasons or as a cultural tradition, its allure transcends boundaries, offering hope and reassurance to believers.

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